About Advanced Auto Services
As Property Owners and Property Owner's Agents, our goal is to provide a solution to any parking problem you may have. We understand every property is unique which is why our dedicated team will work closely with you and property agents to ensure we establish the best suitable solution for your property needs.
Our professional and experienced tow operators are committed to your satisfaction, and we strive to provide punctual service to our clients for all service requests.
When you call our towing company for assistance, you’ll learn more about our dedication to providing high-quality work and a fast response to inquiries.
• We are confident in what we do, which is why we take full responsibility for every vehicle we tow.
• We will maintain the property in compliance with legally required signage. This includes vandalism or theft of our signs. Having proper signage is critical to making sure the public is notified.
• We take photos of every vehicle prior to towing and include a full damage report.
• We provide you with a Client Log in giving you full access 24/7 which allows you to view all actions done on the property anywhere with a just a click away. View any vehicles that are removed from your property, accompanied with the time-stamped pictures, you can also search for specific violations or vehicle information for repeat offenders, sign/authorize for vehicle removals, organize permits and more!
• We provide all our services at no cost to property owner and property owner’s agent.
We cover everything at
• Parking Enforcement
• Nightly Inspections
• Permit Parking Enforcement
• No Parking Zones
• Handicaps Spaces
• Fire Lanes Zones
• Vehicles Improperly Parked
• Vehicles Abandoned or Unauthorized
• Vehicles with No Permit
• Vehicles Blocking Roadway, Entrance or Exits
• Vehicles Double Parked
• And so much more!
On behalf of the entire Advanced Auto Services team, we would like to thank you for your interest in our services!
We look forward to working with you and your staff!
Thank you for your time.
To sign up, simply complete the information below to have one of our support specialists contact you.